Thank you for your interest in the International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences.
With an interesting programme of workshops, plenary lectures and scientific sessions this conference is a highlight for the botanical research world.
Scientific programme
The following workshops will be offered during the Botanik-Tagung. You can book the workshops directly with your registration or later by changing your registration data. All workshops are free of charge except for the workshops WS1 and WS4.
Public Lecture
Biodiversität im Umbruch - Status, Trends, Folgen, Handlungsbedarf
Helge Bruehlheide
Der Abendvortrag der Botanik-Tagung nimmt Sie mit auf eine faszinierende Reise durch die Welt der Biodiversität.
In den letzten Jahren haben wir eine alarmierende Abnahme der Biodiversität beobachtet. Dieser Rückgang betrifft nicht nur einzelne Arten, sondern ganze Ökosysteme, die essenziell für unser Wohlergehen und unsere Lebensgrundlagen sind.
Der Vortrag geht auf die neuesten Erkenntnisse über den aktuellen Stand der Biodiversität ein und zeigt auf, wie sich diese Vielfalt im Laufe der Zeit verändert hat, welche Rolle dabei Landnutzungsänderungen und Klimawandel spielen und welche Folgen der Verlust an Biodiversität für die Umwelt und die Gesellschaft hat.
Es wird deutlich werden, dass ein Umdenken und Handeln auf verschiedenen Ebenen erforderlich sind, um den rapiden Rückgang der Biodiversität zu stoppen.
The following excursions will be offered during the Botanik-Tagung. You can book the excursions directly with your registration or later by changing your registration data. Additional fees may apply for participation in excursions.
Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), Gatersleben
Thursday, 19 September • 14:30-18:30
Explore two world-class research facilities: the Gatersleben Genebank, which is the largest genebank for crops in the EU, and the PhenoSphere, which is a unique in-door facility for non-destructive and highly-automated crop phenotyping.
Leipzig Canopy Crane
Thursday, 19 September • 14:30-18:00
Visit the impressive Cancopy Crane, a 40m-high, largescale research device for studying biodiversity.
Botanical Garden of Halle (Saale)
Thursday, 19 September • 14:30-18:00
Absolutely worth seeing: Explore the diversity of plants on a guided tour through the botanical garden of Halle (Saale).
Ecotrons, GCEF & MyDiv, Bad Lauchstädt
Friday, 20 September • 09:00-14:00
See the iDiv-Ecotrons and the world's largest area of climate land-use experiment, the Global Change Experimental Facility (GCEF).
Evening Programme "Botany Party"
Wednesday, 18 September • from 19:30
Meet your colleagues and friends in a pleasant atmosphere at the “Botany Party” on Wednesday evening. Enjoy music, snack and socializing at the historic Volkspark building.
For the evening, a jam session featuring jazz standards is planned, and all conference participants are warmly invited to join in and play. Any other musical contributions for this evening are also very welcome. In case you have questions regarding a musical contribution or joining the jam session, please contact Jochen Balbach (
Venue: | Volkspark Schleifweg 8a 06114 Halle (Saale), Germany |
Fee*: | Regular: 50 EUR Students (PhD, MSc, BSc): 30 EUR |
*Snacks and two free drinks included.
You can register for the participation directly with your registration for the conference or later by changing your registration data.
ECR Network Meeting
2nd Early Career Plant Research (ECR) Network Meeting
19.-20. September 2024
The ECR Network meeting is targeted towards experienced PhD students and postdoctoral researchers with passion for plant research.
This year's meeting will be held as a satellite meeting to the International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences. ECRs can register for the ECR networking meeting (limited to 50 applicants).